Now that Halloween has passed it is time once again to start getting excited about Christmas!
Decorations, trees, treats, food and presents! There is so much to think about, it's hard to know where to start.
A great idea for presents are ones that you made and nurtured yourself such as the beautiful Amaryllis which if you plant right now will be showing off its vibrant blooms just in time for Christmas day.
Generally Amaryllis take between 7-10 weeks to bloom so now is the time to be planting!!
Amaryllis (Hippeastrum) are an easy to grow bulb with dramatic blooms. The name Amaryllis comes from the Greek to 'sparkle' and the plant actually originates from South America and Mexico.
How To Plant.
Firstly you must choose your flower pot. Drainage is key here as Amaryllis hates being left in wet soil and is very prone to root rot so make sure any pot you choose has adequate drainage holes.
The Bee Botanic Planters here in Kennedy's come in a lovely dark shade of green and in black which are perfect Christmassy colours to choose if you have the red Amaryllis.
If you find the perfect pot but it doesn't have drainage holes don't worry you can always plant it in a simple plastic pot that has drainage holes and then place it inside your decorative pot with a layer of gravel beneath.
Your pot should be at least 1-2" wider than the bulb around and at least 7" deep.
A good way to give your Amaryllis bulb a head start is to soak the bulb in luke warm (not hot) water for a few hours before planting.
Your compost should be drainage friendly, Traditional Gro+ Seaweed Compost 60l is ideal as it contains perlite to help with drainage as well as lots of nutrients to feed your bulb.
Fill the pot enough so that when you put your bulb in place its top peeks just above the pot lip and pat the compost firmly down.
Then place your bulb and fill in around and firm around it with your fingers.
You can then put a layer of fine gravel or mulch on and around the top of the pot. Not only does this look nice but it helps retain moisture.
Once you have planted it, give it a good drink of water to allow it to settle in.
It's best to leave your newly planted bulb in a dark warm place for a few weeks for the rooting process to start. Watering is not necessary during this time.
Once your bulbs have sprouted about an inch out of the soil you can bring them out to a better lighted area. Turn your plant weekly so that it doesn't bend towards the light. Amaryllis are quite top heavy plants so sometimes staking can be a good idea, Grow Bamboo Canes are perfect and can be cut to size.
Watering should be kept to a minimum, once a week should be plenty but if you are in doubt just feel the soil with your fingers to see if it is dry.
Amaryllis comes in many different shapes, colours and sizes so if you are growing them try and get a few different types. There are some that bloom in 7 weeks and some that bloom in ten so if you mix the types and stagger your planting you can have blooms continuously for a few months which can be a welcome burst of colour in the winter months!
Happy Planting!
Sophie x